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Released question banks for EASA Private Pilot exams

Question Banks for Private Pilot Licence

Are you studying for your private pilot licence’s written exam and looking for free question banks? Then this is your lucky day.

The aviation authorities in the various member states have differing views on whether their question banks should be released for practice. Certain member states choose to withhold everything, while others include some questions or appendices to the exam.

Quality Practice Questions

You may not be planning to take the exam with that particular member state, but most of these questions are good quality and will be good practice for you. Usually, you will have less than two minutes per question on the exam. So, the more skilled you are in solving questions, the faster you will progress through the test and have more time for reviewing.

Finnish Aviation Authority’s 1000+ Practice Questions

The Finnish aviation authorities have published more than 1000 questions for you to practice with. Even if you do not take the exam with them, it is still a great opportunity.

Released questions for the Finnish PPL exam.

Danish Aviation Authorities’ Exam Attachments

The Danish aviation authorities release attachments that you can use for answering the exam.

Attachments used for the Danish PPL exam.

Aircademy’s Question Bank

Then you have the question bank from Aircademy, used by many member states, including Austro Control.

Questions used by Austro Control.

So crack on with your studying and make sure you are well prepared. Break a leg…